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[PR] Good Trust Donates KRW 30 Million to Support Elderly Residents in Dong-gu, Busan

관리자   /   2024-01-12

Good Trust, led by CEO Young-gun Park, has made a generous donation of KRW 30 million to Dong-gu, Busan, under the leadership of Mayor Jin-hong Kim

This substantial contribution aims to provide support to elderly individuals and households within the Dong-gu community.


The funds, totaling KRW 30 million, will be disbursed among 150 underprivileged single elderly individuals or elderly households in Dong-gu. Through a collaborative 

fundraising effort, each recipient will receive 200,000 won to alleviate some of their financial burdens.


Going beyond monetary support, Good Trust has also contributed to the well-being of the community by donating 2,700 pieces of men's clothing, approximately 

400 pieces of women's clothing, and 100 pieces of children's clothing. This act of kindness, filled with the spirit of love, occurred on the 27th of last month. 

The clothing items were distributed to both elderly residents and young individuals through local welfare facilities.


Young-gun Park, CEO of Good Trust, remarked, "We aspire to bring hope and warmth to the homes of our underprivileged neighbors through these acts of 

generosity." He further added, "As Good Trust continues to grow steadily, we are committed to upholding our social responsibilities, in line with our management 

philosophy of giving back to the community. This is a collective effort involving all our employees."


Mayor Jin-hong Kim of Dong-gu expressed gratitude, saying, "I extend my sincere thanks to Good Trust for their ongoing commitment to sharing and providing 

hope to the children of Dong-gu on Children's Day last year. Their support has also brought warmth to the elderly and young adults during the winter months 

at the end of the year."


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